Ha Ha Ha, how we fooled ourselves into thinking it would stay that way. Entering into the picture is a new personality with their own little taste, their own favourite colour and undoubtedly an obsession with some form of toy/character/theme that drives us nuts. Added into the equation is that super doom parental voice in our head that tells us their bedroom needs to stimulating and interactive to grow their beautiful little minds but at the same time it needs to be relaxing and serene for a good night sleep. Throw in the fact that now your mini me has accumulated more belonging (some very ugly and very load) then you ever thought possible and the focus is on storage, storage and more storage. The pressure never ends. So I make it my mission to find inspiration and prove the point, you can have it all.
Its possible to have balance people, try negotiating a colour for a feature wall instead of dipping the whole room into a tin of Dulux, dot or patterned wall decals, maybe even a chalk board wall so they can create their own little masterpieces. Find some pretty cool super hero artwork, framed nicely, instead of that dreaded bedcover you try to avoid when you go shopping, and team it with black and white for the cool factor. Use colour that doesn't necessarily fit into that primary look but will give a modern edge and maybe focus on ALL their interests, instead of themes that way new things coming in won't stand out like a sore thumb.
Some people may think me a Grinch, "They're only young for a short time, let them have what they want" and yes I may be a bit particular but its also a financial issue. CHILDREN ARE FICKLE, but adding in the fads in a more replaceable way and toning them down slightly makes sense and when the next obsession takes over, it won't hit you in the pocket or the style stakes. As Im sure you would agree these beautiful kids rooms show that it is definitely a fun project that you will both enjoy!!!